Author: John Banks
Golf Auction in aid of the Field Bulb project
As some visitors will know, Tickenham Golf Club have made a generous contribution to our bulb project. We are planting a series of different bulbs which will give a wonderful display of colour throughout the year on the bank between the MUGA and the lower field.
The Club has given two vouchers which will each allow 4 players to enjoy 18 holes of golf. If preferred, the rounds can be limited to 9 holes or split in to two different sessions of 9 by arrangement with the Club.
Each voucher is being separately auctioned so you can bid for one or both. Please state in your bid whether it is for one or two.
The auction closes at 11.59pm on August 21. The two current highest bids are for £50 and £40.
Please post your bids to us at: tickenhamvillagefield@virginmedia.com
Tickenham Church ringing 100 times in memory of Sir Tom Moore

In common with over 60 church bell towers in our area, Tickenham Church Bell Tower will ring its tenor bell 100 times at midday on Saturday 27 February in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore. The tenor bell is the largest of the 6 bells in the tower weighing in at over 14 cwt (nearly 3/4 of a ton!) and is nearly 270 years old.
If you think you might like to try bell ringing, call or email our Secretary, Amanda Banks: 07972 696870 / amanda1.banks@btinternet.com
Welcome to spring – and what a 12 months it has been since March 2020.
- Along at the Village Field we have for several years been considering the idea of illuminating the entire bank between the main lower field and the sports pitch with an array of colour. With a carefully selected range of bulb species (we have experts on this topic in the village!) we have now developed a plan.
- Please take a look at the attached plan which sets things out. In simple terms the idea is to have various ‘zones’ coloured in a variety of different flowers – planted to a layout which should ensure colour during as many months of the year as is possible.
- Clearly a project of this detail has required some careful planning, will require procuring quality bulbs, has a level of preparation and then….a lot of planting! Followed by some careful cutting back at the right time following flowering.
- The Field Committee are really keen to get this project going. Quite quickly if possible so that we can even enjoy some blooming displays this autumn!
- But we need some help from those interested and able to assist – on two fronts in particular.
- Firstly we would really appreciate donations to assist us in buying the bulbs and to help pay for bank preparation in readiness for the planting – as well as its subsequent upkeep.
- Secondly we will need to hold various ‘planting parties’ (compliant with whatever Covid-19 constraints are in force at that time) to sink the hundreds of bulbs into the ground.
- Therefore this is an open invitation to you to support this village project, which we think will really enhance what we have developed over the last 10 years.
- Please register your interest in supporting this (financial and/or planting time pledges) – by in the first instance emailing: tickenhamvillagefield@virginmedia.com
- Or if you have would like to discuss the project further then please contact any of the committee; John Banks, Bob Beale, Chris Clarke, Dave Ellison, Alan Hooley, John Purcell.
Kind regards, Dave Ellison (07791-748967)
Donations to the planting scheme can be made by bank transfer to:
Account: Tickenham Field Committee Account No.: 71455028 Sort Code: 40 17 50
Add your surname and amount to the reference: Smith£20 and we would like you to email us: tickenhamvillagefield@virginmedia.com – telling us you made the donation so we can properly thank you.

The Census is Coming on Sunday 21 March 2021!
More information can be found on the Tickenham Parish Council website: The Census is Coming! – (tickenham-pc.org.uk)
Please check out the Tickenham Parish Council website:
Tickenham Community Library

Message from Ann Loader:
I am writing to let you know that, by kind permission of the Hall Management Committee, and in line with current legislation, the library will be open this Friday 8th January from 10am until 12 noon.
Place: Committee Room at back of Hall
Items available: Secondhand Books, DVDs and Jigsaws
New guidelines to ensure the facility is Covid 19 secure:
- One browser at a time
- Wear a mask
- Use hand sanitiser
- Please be patient if someone is already in the room and wait outside
- Record what you borrow
I will be on site but will meet anyone coming to use the library in the car park. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~