Dear all, in the spirit of helping to make resources available during the Covid-19 restrictions, and with jigsaws and books both resources that are proving popular, we have decided to make the back room of the Village Hall available – between 9am and 3pm on every Friday – as a ‘swap shop’ from which to borrow and/or lend.

The Flower Show have kindly provided their stock of jigsaws and books (plus a few DVDs and other things). Anyone is welcome to pop in and borrow them – returning them to the same place when finished with.

But equally if any of you have jigsaws that you would be willing to allow others to borrow then please simply drop then in on a Friday. You will find a set of stickers there which you can – if you want the jigsaw returned – place on its box with your name.

This is all operated in trust – the room will not be manned. Sanitizer and wipes will be there so please act mindful of current hygiene rules to yourself and others. Only one person should be in the room at a time.

We will run this until the end of May and then take stock as to whether it is being used.

Enjoy! And thank you to the Flower Show for the initial stock and to the Village Hall for provision of venue.

Dave Ellison