Attached are the minutes of our AGM held on September 28 2023.
Our 2023 Village Field Sports Day will be on July 23.
This annual event gives you an opportunity to show off your wide range of athletic talent or just come along and enjoy taking part or watching.
The ‘sports’ this year will include walking football, basketball, “throwing the wellie”, golf, boules, children’s and adults’ races and – yes – tug of war! There will be a bar and barbecue to refresh you. So start picking your team and rallying your supporters. Teams from groups in the Village or beyond are welcome or ask your friends or families.. It’s a day not to be missed!
We are very grateful to the organisations which have helped us develop the Field. The Parish Council contribute towards maintenance expenses as do organisations from the Village and beyond as well as individuals. Our thanks to them also.
But for regular day-to-day maintenance and other expenses we rely on the generosity of the members of our Lottery. Each month there are two winning balls, one of £100 and the other £30. Members pay £5 per month.
The Playground, Sports Pitch and Lower Field are enjoyed by all ages not just from Tickenham but from surrounding towns and villages so if you would like to help us maintain this wonderful project please sign up. Contact
We are always looking for ways to develop the facilities at the Field.
The tree in the Lower Field was diagnosed with ash die back disease. We got a grant from National Grid of £6,000 which enabled us to buy a replacement. Oak was chosen following a poll asking villagers what their choice would be. The tree was blessed by the Reverend Julie Harris as part of Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee celebrations
A lot of people visiting the Field say how much they enjoy “just sitting and admiring the view” so the grant was also used to buy more benches and picnic tables.
In 2022 we received grants from Nailsea Community Trust (£4,500) and North Somerset Council (£4,470) to buy a seesaw and carousel/roundabout. Twenty five playgrounds benefited from the fund provided by the Council and we were one of only four which were not council-run to get funds.
Our next project is to strengthen the bank between the Sports Pitch and Playground which has suffered from being used as an improvised slide. The first step is to run the fencing surrounding the Pitch along the bottom of the bank. We have applied for a contribution from the Community Infrastructure Levy to help fund this.
In 2021, with much -appreciated help from volunteers, we planted several varieties of bulbs ion the bank between the Playing Field and Lower Field. They are now beginning to bloom. This was made possible by generous donations from villagers.

We are pleased to say that our request for 200 bedding plants, including French Marigold, Salvias, Petunias and Ageratum has been granted as part of the North Somerset Council and Glendale “Free Annual Flowers 2023” scheme for Parish Councils. We will be calling for assistance to plant these as soon as we have collected them in early June.
Donations to the Village Field can be made by bank transfer to:
Account: Tickenham Field Committee Account No.: 71455028 Sort Code: 40 17 50
Add your surname and amount to the reference: Smith£20 and we would like you to email us: – telling us you made the donation so we can properly thank you.
We are really grateful to National Grid for their generous grant. This will enable us to carry out vital work to our sport and leisure area which plays such an important part in village life.
The staff at National Grid were very helpful throughout the application process and the scheme most efficiently managed.
Many thanks to everyone involved at National Grid.
History related to the requirement & planning of a multi-use games area (MUGA) on Tickenham Village Field
At a Tickenham Parish Council meeting in mid 2008, the councillors discussed the Village Field and concluded that it was underutilised. A decision was agreed to survey parishioners to ask them what they would like to see on the field – during October 2008, the attached questionnaire was sent to every household (311no.) in the Parish. Because of the importance of the annual Tickenham Flower Show, any development was very sensitive to their requirements and for this reason the lower part of the field was considered not suitable for any changes.
Questionnaire Response:
There were a total of 58 responses, 54 positive and 4 negative. A summary of the actual results, (the first number being the number of household positive responses, the figure in brackets being those prepared to pay/subscribe to participate) is as follows:-
- 5-a-side football…………… 13 (10)
- Multi-use Court…………… 25 (17)
- Tennis Court……………….. 27 (21)
- Putting Green……………… 17 (11)
- Bowling Green…………….. 15 (11)
- Boules/Petanque…………. 16 (9)
Other suggestions were Croquet (1 household), Basketball (2 households), Adventure Playground (3 households) and a running track (1 household). One also for Tai Chi!
On the basis that 80% of respondents were in favour of some recreational facility, the Parish Council arranged a sub-committee to investigate the issue further. After a period of time the sub-committee was formed with a new constitution and fund raising commenced to finance the development.
Formal ‘Tickenham Village Field’ Sub-Committee
The first meeting of the sub-committee was in February 2010. An early decision made related to agreeing the most suitable solution to match majority of the respondents answers – it was considered that a multi-use games area (MUGA) would satisfy most requirements, catering for such sports as football, tennis, hockey, netball, basketball, etc.
Fund-raising was the next issue – the sub-committee were (and continue to be) very active in raising funds from such events as a music evenings, cinema nights, duck races, a monthly lottery, sports days, etc.
External grants and funding was also investigated, however, it soon became obvious that a pre-requisite of any funding was that planning permission was needed to be in place.
Mrs. Carole Hockedy agreed to be the architect and developed the designs and drawings under the direction of the sub-committee. In July 2011, the sub-committee considered the design was at a position ready to make application for planning permission. At a Parish Council meeting that month, objections were made from four neighbouring owners and also a collective objection from about 20 residents of Elm Tree Avenue. The Parish Council considered it prudent to withdraw the planning application and re-ask the parishioners again.
Open Village Meeting:
There is always likely to be objections to change, and because of those raised at the meeting in July it was decided to have an ‘Open meeting of the Village’ to give people the opportunity to air their views on the subject. This took place on the 6th October 2011.
There were various comments – the majority in favour of some development with a footnote that the playground area should be an integrated part of the proposals. The comments have been noted and actioned upon, for example:-
- A new committee member was included to concentrate on the playground facility only.
- A meeting was had with the residents of Elm Tree Avenue.
- Following the concern related to noise – we have proposed a curfew of the MUGA during lighting up times.
- If the MUGA attracts the unpleasant groups, we would propose to lock the facility, employ security companies and maybe introduce CCTV in extreme cases.
As a result of the positive responses at the meeting the Parish Council agreed to continue with the plans to develope the recreational facility.
Planning Application – 2012
Having taken the endorsement from the meeting and the Parish Council to continue, the sub-committee returned to the plans. Because, as a result of the previous application, North Somerset required a drainage proposal/report and an arboriculture (tree) report, it was agreed to get these two reports in place and adjust the MUGA/field design to suit.
The current proposal for the MUGA as depicted on Drg. No. 310/04, the tree report and the drainage proposals are now a fully integrated design for planning approval.
The following is an unformatted copy of the Questionnaire that was sent to every house within the confines of Tickenham Parish.
Questionnaire related to the possible use of upper section of the Village Field for Recreational Purposes.
Your Parish Council is considering the possible development of the upper section of the Village Field (adjacent to the Hall) for recreational purposes. Prior to focusing any of our thoughts on any funding and/or amenity management issues, it is important that the thoughts of villagers should be taken into account.
Therefore to obtain the views of the villagers, can you please complete the table below. The ‘Suggested Amenities’ listed are not exhaustive – please add your other ideas in the blank boxes.
Suggested Amenity | I would/would not use; YES/NO | I would pay/subscribe to participate; YES/NO |
5-a-side Football | ||
Multi-use Courts;(netball, tennis, unihock, etc) | ||
Tennis Court(s) | ||
Putting Green/Golf Net | ||
Bowling Green | ||
No interest in any |
Please insert any other comments here:
Please return your completed questionnaires by the November 2008 to:-
Please insert your name & address here:-
NAME…………………………. ADDRESS………………………………….
If you would like feedback of the results, please also add your e-mail address below:- …………………………………………