Services of Remembering

On November 3rd we will be holding Services of Remembering at both Christ Church and Tickenham. These will be an opportunity to remember those we have loved and lost in a service and over refreshments afterwards. All are welcome whether your loss is recent or further way and there will be a chance to light a candle and have the name of your loved one read out.

Please contact the church office or Rev’d Nicki for further details or to add a name to be read out.

Services will be 3pm at Tickenham and 5pm at Christ Church

Welcome Reverend Nicki

We were thrilled to welcome our new Rector, the Reverend Nicki Bradford who has joined us from the Quantocks with her husband, Steve, and family.

Christ Church was packed for the Licensing Service on April 11th with ,members of Tickenham and various churches in Nailsea as well as members of Nicki’s family and many of her parishioners from the nine parishes in The Quantocks where she was Curate.

The Service was conducted by Bishop Michael of Bath and Wells and Archdeacon Adrian of Bath. Representatives from organisations,including the Parish/Town Councils and Church schools within the benefice welcomed Nicki and we got together afterwards for drinks and refreshments. A happy day!

Nicki’s first service in St. Quiricus and Julietta was a wonderful Family Service where we talked about “opposites” and the “teaspoon of prayer (Thank you, Please and Sorry).

Our Family Service is on the second Sunday of every month at 11 am. Everyone welcome as, of course, you are to all our services; Holy Communion on the first and third Sunday and Morning Worship on the fourth.   On April 29th a short unsung Morning Worship will be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

Welcome to our new Rector, the Reverend Nicki Bradford

We are looking forward to the arrival of our new Rector, the Reverend Nicki Bradford. She will be joining us from The Quantocks where she has been the Curate in 5 parishes. We welcome her and her husband, Steve, and look forward to working with her.

Her licensing service will be held at Christchurch, Nailsea at 7 pm on Thursday, April 11th and will be attended by Bishop Michael  and  the Archdeacon of Bath, the Venerable Dr. Adrian Youings. We hope as many of you from Tickenham and Christchurch as can will join us. There will be light refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the Service.

Archdeacon Adrian also officiated at our Easter Sunday Service. This was an excellent opportunity for us to say “farewell” to him as he leaves Bath to take up work with a charity.

The Reverend Nicki’s first service with us will be our Family Service on Sunday, April 14th. All the family welcome!

Other services in St Quiricus and Julietta in April are:

Sunday 7th         Holy Communion

             21st       Holy Communion

             28th       Unsung Morning Worship. Our annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held after this service.

On the last Friday of every month we light up our Church with candles and play choral and other classical music. It is a wonderful opportunity to come and listen, relax and enjoy our beautiful Church. 6 – 7.30 pm. Come for as long or short a time as you like.”