Local independent charity, Age UK Somerset, has a new telephone support service and dedicated website available for older residents, to help them through this difficult time.
Their support line number is 01823 345610. If you are at all lonely or isolated and feel a chat would help, you can call, leave a message with your name and number and someone in the team will call you back. You can also email: info@ageuksomerset.org.uk
If you would like to be put through to the information and advice team, then call the same number and choose option 1. The charity offers free and confidential information and advice for older people, their families and carers. You can also email: infoandadvice@ageuksomerset.org.uk
The new website https://ageuksomersetcoronavirus.org.uk/ has been put together to focus on bringing the latest information and guidance on the Coronavirus, but also brings together useful links and resources for those in self-isolation. It includes information on where to get help in your area, including details of what the charity itself offers, how to stay mentally and physically fit and suggestions of activities to keep people feeling more positive. If anyone needs printed copies of anything on the website, please contact them and they will arrange for this to be sent out to you by post.