IT’S AN OAK!! New tree chosen for the Village Field.

The votes for the new tree in Tickenham Village Field have been cast and counted and the result is shown below.

Our plan is plant the new Oak tree at a ceremony on the 28th November – the 1st day of the National Tree Week. We hope you will be able to join us for the event – please look out for updates. All Villagers will be most welcome.

The Tickenham Field Committee


We are grateful to Sport England for a grant of £7,500 amounting to 75% of the cost of two electrical short mat winding machines.

The Tickenham Short Bowling Club has been active in the Village Hall for over 25 years, and is a major contributor to the running cost of the hall. We normally play three times a week, Tuesday and Friday mornings 10.00 am to 12 noon and Thursday afternoon 2.00 – 4.00 pm. However, we have had to temporarily stop playing due to the coronavirus, but hope to resume playing in October. This is dependent on the Government ruling at the time.

As we play during the day the membership is predominately of retired men and woman. The club is aimed at socially involving people by using the game of bowls as a social interaction, exercise and completive sport of getting people together.

We do not play in competitions, as most of the league bowls clubs play in the evenings. It is a small club restricted to about 30 members due to the size of the hall to accommodate equipment and number of payers.

The grant from Sport England has allowed us to purchase two electrical winding machines to replace our manual ones. This has overcome a difficulty with the physical effort needed wind up the mats with the old winding machines, which was well beyond the capability of many of our members, we are grateful to Sport England for the grant.

If you are interested in getting any further information or joining the Tickenham Short Bowling Club please contact either:

Pat Brown (Secretary) Phone 01275 542227

Margaret Stuckey (Chairperson) Phone 01275 343760

(Treasurer) Derek Moore (Treasurer) Phone 01275854855

Local Plan Challenges Consultation

As we earlier advised North Somerset Council are creating a new Local Plan.  The Local Plan will guide housing, jobs and business investment, transport, community facilities and supporting infrastructure in the area until 2038.

This first stage of Local Plan consultation focuses on the challenges NSC believe we face in North Somerset and the issues the plan needs to address. The online consultation will run until  Wednesday 2 September 2020 at

You can view the TRAG response to the consultation at:

We urge you to also individually respond to give weight to the issues further development will have on Tickenham Village.

If you are not currently a TRAG subscriber then you might want to sign up for regular email updates on the TRAG site above.

Good Neighbours

Tickenham Good Neighbours Committee are sorry to advise that we cannot welcome you to the Good Neighbours’ lunches at the present time due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

We wish all our regular lunch visitors well at this time and do stay safe until we are able to meet again.

Ann, Anna, Eleanor, Mal, Clare, Lorna, Linda, Lynne, Chris, Ranjit, Sue